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EXCLUSIVE: Alipay Said To Launch Its Killer Product “AR Open(3)

2017-05-17 09:13来源:威腾网编辑:毛青青





Through Scan ; AR, Alipay avoids setting up QR codes in offline user scenarios. Instead, Alipay could provide its Mini Program service through existing objects or images, such as product packages, LOGOs, etc. Another industry insider also revealed to TMTPost that Alipay had already made it possible for users to scan an object or image and go to a related Mini Program.

In this battleground over Mini Program between Alipay and WeChat, while WeChat possesses huge traffic thanks to its intense social network and high user retention rate, Alipay has better access to business owners thanks to its enterprise gene. To prevail, Alipay has to make the best use of its advantages and bypass the disadvantages and polish its Mini Program-like product to a degree that it can really facilitate business owners. Only then can it avoid the failure of its previous attempts to pRomote social networks, such as LaiWang and Life Circle.


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[The article is published and edited with authorization from the author @Su Jianxun please note source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

Translated by Levin Feng (Senior Translator at PAGE TO PAGE), working for TMTpost.


     投稿邮箱:jiujiukejiwang@163.com   详情访问99科技网:http://www.fun99.cn

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